Monday, December 22, 2014

Fallopian Tube Conditions now can be healed by a safer and more effective herbal medicine which is recently approved by SIPO

A herbal formula which is excellent on curing tubal conditions is approved by State Intellectual Property Office of China (SIPO) recently.

Tubal conditions, including tubal blockage, hydrosalpinx, and tubal adhesion commonly are healed by surgery or laparoscopy. However, now, another treatment which is approved by SIPO recently has been proved a better treatment on them.

According to the interview of Dr. Lee, “one of the outstanding advantages of this herbal pill is with no unpleasant procedure.” The effect of this herbal medicine which names Fuyan pill has been proved by a great deal of tubal condition patients. The datum, which are collected for years, from the clinic show that over 87% of tubal condition sufferers have their diseases cured by it. “Even those who have been suggested to remove their tubes also get a cure after taking this herbal formula,” Dr. Lee added. Based on the cases from Wuhan Dr. Lee’s TCM clinic, tubal conditions like tubal blockage, adhesion and hydrosalpinx are always cured after three to four month medication.

“Generally, tubal conditions are commonly caused by the inflammation of fallopian tubes. Therefore, the high recurrence of these conditions after surgery or other medical procedures is concerned by lots of patients,” says Dr. Lee, “however, my patients won’t be trouble by it never, because
Fuyan Pill cures fallopian tube conditions and gynegological inflammations simultaneously. It has strong ability of clearing away heat and toxic materials and we have got no report of recurrence from our patients.” This formula can not only treat the disease, but also preserves the body and improves the immunity, this is one of the reasons that why conditions doesn’t recur after our treatment. ”

“I have doubted the efficiency of Fuyan Pill once, however after reading Fuyan Pill’s ingredients and searched for more details I was quite interested and later decided to take this herbal formula instead of removing part of my fallopian tube to treat tubal blockage.” Mrs. Davies, who has benefited from Fuyan Pill says, “This is a great medicine and I want to recommend it to some friends who may need it. Thanks to Fuyan Pill, I didn’t have to go through operation and got my ailment cured.” Dr. Lee adds, “Fuyan Pill ingredients details are now listed on our website as well, so that people don’t have to google them one by one.”

Lquorice is a special herb among all ingredients because its function in the formula of Fuyan Pill is to reduce the toxicity of other herbs. “This makes Fuyan Pill much safer, so that it brings no side effect while treating the disease effectively,” Lee says.

About Dr.Lee Xiaoping and the herbal medicine: 
Dr.Lee Xiaoping graduated from Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China. She qualified as a herbalist 30 years ago and is a highly experienced medical professional. She specializes in the field of male and female reproductive and urinary system diseases. She has devoted 30 years to her clinic and worked on the formula of Fuyan Pill for years. The medicine has proven to be effective on treating tubal conditions. The formula is patented by SIPO (State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.C) with the application number 201110031968.

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Fuyan pill isn’t a scam

As a founder of Wuhan Dr. Lee’s TCM clinic and the inventor of Fuyan pill, recently, I was shocked by some words that I found on

According to the answer of MissA, the Fuyan pill is a scam and works effective for a huge variety of diseases, like endometriosis, adenomyosis, vaginitis, PID, chlamydia, infertility caused by infection and tubal conditions. She takes the view that it is impossible for Fuyan pill to do this. Because those diseases have nothing in common except that they take place in the female reproductive system.

Friday, December 12, 2014

How does the Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill work on orchitis

Orchitis, a cause of infertility, commonly is caused by bacterial or virus infection. As is known, the testicle is the factory of sperm. And once the factory is infected and without timely treatment, men’s reproductive ability can be affected greatly. Therefore, how to cure the orchitis also becomes the top concern of orchitis patients. Then how does the Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, a herbal pill that is accepted by more and more orchitis patients, work on this disease?
Orchitis can be classified into acute and chronic two types. Acute orchitis is caused by spreading bacteria like E.coil via blood circulation, while the chronic orchitis commonly develops from acute specific orchitis. As for the symptoms, typical symptoms are pain on testicle which commonly can radiate to the thigh and swelling of testicle. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

How to prevent or cure infertility caused by oligospermia?

A great deal of men has infertility problems. Most of the time, it is caused by unhealthy lifestyle. However there also are some men whose infertility is caused by reproductive diseases infection, oligospermia and so on. 
The semen is so important for reproduction, how to prevent or cure the infertility caused by oligospermia? Here are some tips as follows:
1.Learn some sexual knowledge. It is necessary for men to know some sexual knowledge like the healthcare methods and the physical feature of reproductive organs, because once there is any chance of differences like swelling, hardening, and pain, please receive treatment as soon as possible.
2.Build a healthy genital hygiene. A lot of contagions like STDs can be prevented by Healthy genital hygiene like wash genitals every day, change underwear every day and have protected sex.  
3.Give up unhealthy lifestyle. Men with oligospermia should say goodbye to drinking and smoking. What's more, they also should avoid cold and spicy food. Toxic materials in daily life should also be paid attention to. Cloths picked from dry cleaner shouldn’t be worn immediately, because sexual ability of man can be affected or damaged by the materials.