Friday, November 30, 2012

Is there any Connect Between Prostate Cancer and Prostatitis?

The treatment of prostate cancer can be treated with radiotherapy, surgery, hormonal therapy and so on. You can choose one or combine them together to treat your disease. Sometimes, if your doctor tells you to monitor it without any treatment, that means your disease isn’t severe and don’t need to be treated.
The treatment of prostatitis can be antibiotics, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, surgery and so on. Although the treatments of prostatitis are various, the effects of them are not always wonderful.
There is no doubt that the prostate cancer is a horrible disease, but prostatitis which is a widespread disease is horrible too. Is there any connect between prostate cancer and prostatitis? Can prostatitis develop into prostate cancer?
As is known to all, the prostatitis can be classified into four types. And the chronic bacterial prostatitis is hard to cure, because the bacteria in prostate gland can develop drug resistance with a long term treating. On the other hand, it is easy for chronic prostatitis to recur. Although prostatitis isn’t a life threat disease, the risks are dangerous and the symptoms are severe. People with this disease can experience urgent and frequent urination, pain in penis, cloudy and smelly discharge, and blood urine and so on. Those symptoms which are unbearable can destroy people’s normal and happy life. There also are some people are shy to seek for help from doctors and friends and families. Thus, most of the time, they left it untreated. The untreated prostatitis can make the symptoms more severe and lead to bad consequence such as prostate cancer. Since the chance is little, there is still a chance. Thus, people with prostatitis should treat their disease in time in case it develops into prostate cancer.

Monday, November 26, 2012

what is miscarriage and how to avoid it

What is miscarriage? It refers to the fetus in the uterus can survive by itself and don’t have spontaneous expulsion. From a report, almost 15% to 30% woman has miscarriage at their first time. And the miscarriage rate can be 80%, if there is something wrong with their uterus.
Miscarriage can be caused by fetal, placental, or maternal factors. The factor of fetal is usually caused miscarriage between the weeks 9 to 12. It also includes the abnormal development of embryo which can lead fatal death and faulty implantation and failure implantation.
Placental factor always causes miscarriage at the fourteenth week. It includes premature separation of the normally implanted placenta and abnormal placental implantation.
Maternal factor always causes miscarriage between the weeks of 11th and nineteenth. It includes endocrine problems, trauma, certain immune disorders or blood group incompatibility and other diseases.
There are some signs such as several days or weeks of pink or brown discharge before the onset of cramps, if one has miscarriage. The cramps can occur more frequently and then the cervix dilates to expel uterine.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Does Prostate Massage benefit for prostate health

Prostate health has leap to the forefront of the publics which spurred on by news of one man die for prostate cancer. Because of the fast-paced modern life, more and more men have to bear high pressure to provide a good living quality to their families. Thus, prostate health should be valued by men and the key to good prostate health is to keep your body in tiptop through exercise, proper dinking habits and vitamins and minerals.
Although prostate disease can be found for every man’s life, the symptoms and signs are embarrassed for them to mention. The good news is, there are methods you can improve your prostate health and reduce the risks of prostate cancer or prostatitis. Daily exercise is vital for prostate health.
Most of the time, people take drug to cure and avoid prostate disease like prostatitis. They believe that the bacteria in prostate gland can be killed by drugs and the infection can be disappeared at the end. But the truth is, it is easy for bacteria to develop resistance of drugs when it with left untreated.
Here, I want to recommend two good ways for you to keep prostate health.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Most Common Prostate Problems in Elderly

The Prostatitis Foundation estimates that about 50% of men in the United States will experience prostatitis during their lifetime. The chances of this are far greater in men over the age of 50. Prostatitis can result in symptoms such as: inability to urinate, pain in the groin, sexual dysfunction, depression and feeling tired. Many cases of prostatitis are the cause of a bacterial infection in the prostate and can easily be treated. Other cases are not as well understood, and can be more difficult to diagnose. While the most common are cases of nonbacterial prostatitis, there are also acute and chronic cases of prostatitis.
Acute prostatitis can be caused by a number of things ranging from E-coli to prostate biopsy. For an extensive list of causes, visit the U.S National Library of Medicine. Chronic prostatitis develops more slowly than acute prostatitis and generally continues for a longer time. Symptoms include: blood in the urine stream, decreased urine stream, low-grade fever and incontinence. Being the most common type of prostatitis, nearly 35% of men over 50 have chronic prostatitis. Testing for any type of prostatitis can be done during a physical exam, through a urinalysis, urine culture, semen analysis and a culture of prostate secretions. Depending on the extent of discomfort and duration of pain, your doctor will decide which of the aforementioned tests is most appropriate.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Why cystitis patients have to drink more water?

At Wuhan Dr. Lee’ TCM clinic office, Ms. Liu tells Dr. Lee that every time when she went to the toilet, she would urinated nothing or urinated with pain which makes Ms. Liu annoying and unendurable. According to Ms. Liu’ prescription, Dr. Lee doubts that Liu infect cystitis, so she asks Liu to take some examinations which shows that it is acute cystitis.
Dr. Lee tells Liu to drink more water at daily life which makes Liu don’t understand, because every time when she drinks water which makes she wants to urinate it is painful. So she asks Dr. Lee why? Dr. Lee tells she that most infection of cystitis are upward infectious which means the bladder was infect by the bacteria and inflammations of the vagina and anus, for Those bacteria and inflammations can return to bladder with the returned urine. Thus, they have to drink more water to relieve the symptoms, because the increased the urinating times wash the bacteria away and stop infection. So she cannon afraid of drinking water due to the painful urinating.