What is PID?
PID is a disease
occurs on women’s pelvic cavity. This disease also is known as pelvic
inflammatory disease. Commonly, it is a complication of sexual diseases. According
to a date from United States, every year, more than 1 million women have an
episode of pelvic inflammatory disease and 10% women become infertility. This
disease also can bring ectopic pregnancies to women.
Those women should
pay much attention to PID if they have those situations:
• Have had an STI
• Are under 25 years of age and are having sex
• Have more than 1 sex partner
• Douche. Douching can push bacteria into the pelvic
organs and cause infection. It can also hide the signs of an infection.
• Have an intrauterine device (IUD). You should get
tested and treated for any infections before getting an IUD. This will lower
your risk of getting pelvic inflammatory disease.
How to cure PID?
PID can be cured
by medication, surgery and herbal medicine. If you choose medication, you
better to choose combination of intravenous and oral antibiotic, if treatment
is not effective, if you cannot take antibiotic by month, you better to choose
herbal medicine. Herbal medicine has no drug resistance and no matter how long
you have to take, its curative effect will be as good as the first day. If you
want to know more about PID and herbal medicine, please feel free to contact us
and our emails are:wuhandrlee@hotmail.com, herbalistlee@yahoo.com
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