Thursday, August 22, 2013

Mechanism of Psychological Cause of Infertility

In fertility can be caused by many reasons such as psychological factors, liver and thyroid factors, problems making sperm and so on. But today, I only want to introduce psychological Factor for your guys.
A woman is a bundle of emotions, mood and mind. They turn switches off or on at the cellular level. Their delicate balance can switch off fertility. The imbalance of hormones themselves can create emotional upheavals and mood swings which in turn affect fertility or infertility.
The brain or intellect does it through hormones or chemical messengers. Hormones are secreted by endocrine glands. The mind, mood and hormones work through a cascade of checks and balances called the feed-back mechanisms.

Your psyche is made up of your mind (center), your will and emotion. The mind is the man and where the mind goes, the man follows.In the male, FSH stimulates the testicles to produce testosterone which stimulates the testes to produce and mature spermatozoa within 90 days.
The hypothalamus secrets a hormone called the gonadotropin releasing hormone which in turn stimulates the pituitary gland at the base of the brain to secrete follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). FSH and LH are called gonadotropins because the stimulate the gonads (ovary and testis) to produce estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Endocrine or ductless glands as the name implies don’t have secretory ducts; as such they secrete their contents directly into the blood stream. I will elaborate on this in a minute. The brain controls everything including signalling the body to produce or reproduce.
This is where the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis kick in. LH surge signals the release of mature eggs. While progesterone preserves and sustains pregnancy if fertilization occurs in the female. Estrogen helps in the maturation of the eggs in the ovaries. We now know about the connection called the psychoneuroendocrinology. This is a fancy way of saying that our psychology controls our brain wiring which in turn controls our hormones released through our circulation. The hormones tell our body what to do including process that triggers reproduction. LH helps to release mature sperms from the testicles. The hypothalamus is the midbrain containing the emotional brain called the limbic system. Know that sex hormones in particular and hormones in general are chemical messengers that signal the body to do something.
This type of infertility is curable. As long as you adjust your mind and taking pill, your reproductive ability will come back again. More information about the causes of infertility, please feel free to contact us and our emails are:
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